Keystone Snowmobiler

As of April 2019 the Keystone Snowmobiler has made a few changes to their publication which we would like to share with you. The following is a quote of the article found on the last page of the April 2019 issue.

The Future of the Keystone Snowmobiler

Due to rising costs in printing and postage, the Keystone Snowmobiler will continue as a digital magazine going forward. PSSA will continue to provide club information, advertising and snowmobile news. We will be utilizing both email and e-magazine platforms to provide our members with the latest in magazine publishing.

If you do not currently have an email address on file with us and you want to continue to receive your Keystone Snowmobiler magazine, please take a moment to sign up by visiting:

The new digital format is really very attractive. If you'd like to view the monthly issue it can be found at:

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