2014-2015 Meeting Minutes

September October November
December January February
March April May

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

May 2015

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

April 2015

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

March 21, 2015

Meeting was called to order By President John Fox with four members present.

 Secretary’s Report: Ed read the Secretary’s report Motion by Ken and 2nd by Gene to accept. Motion Carried

Treasurer’s Report;   Ed gave the report. Beginning balance $3662.11 with a ending balance of $5998.02 Ed Transferred $ 4000.00 from the calendar fund to the general fund. Motion by Gene and 2nd by Ken to accept. Motion carried. Ed reported that he was going to collect to donation boxes today.

Correspondences:Ed had received a e-mail from Bill Sowers that he has show interest in becoming the new Region Seven Director for the PSSA. After talking to John on this matter Ed has sent a e-mail to PSSA President Liz Kurg in support of Bill Sowers.

 Old business: Nominations were open from the floor once again the John Fox was nominated for President. He accepted. The ballot is John Fox – President, Gene Ianson – Vice President, Ed Lawver - Sec/ Treasurer, John Greeley – Board of Director.  Ed made the motion that the ballot be closed and the officer’s stated above be elected to office for the coming year. Ken 2nd  the motion.  Motion carried.

Committee reports

Trails: John Fox gave a lengthily report of what was done for trail work in 2014 and what was done to the groomers over the winter. He also reported what needs to be done in 2015. Ed stated he needs to know what John and Gene groomed soon so he can file for money from DCNR

Membership:Ed gave a membership report. We have 191 members of which 90 are family members, 98 single members and three social members.

Board of Director’s Report:No report from the Board at this time.

New Business:Ed talked about the insurance again. It was felt by those present that it is worth checking into further. Ed will proceed with it. Ed asked about worked details for 2015. They will be the last two Saturdays in the months of June, July, August, and September. Ed will post this on the web site. It was decided not to do a work detail in May this year. Ed asked about a donation in the honor of Chris Pankake. Motion made by Ed and 2nd by Ken to donate $200.00 in the honor of him. Motion passed. Ed will take care of it.

Nothing for the good and welfare of the club at this time.

Motion to adjourn by Ed and Gene at  10:10 AM.  Meeting adjorned

Respectfully Submitted

Ed Lawver - Secretary SPSC


Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

February 19, 2015

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

January 17, 2015


Meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by President John Fox.  13 Members and no guest were present.

Secretary’s Report: Report was read by Ed. Motion to accept by Dahl Eppinger ad John Greeley. Motion Passed.

Treasurer’s Report; Ed gave the treasurer’s report. Beginning Balance $6559.90 and a ending Balance of $6961.73. Calendar balance $ 20,000.00 Motion made by Dahl and 2nd by John Greely to accept. Motion Passed.

Correspondences: None were read

Old business:J ohn Greeley stated that Feb 21 will not work for the Kids ride. It now interferes with the Vintage race at the Potter County club. He will put things together as fast as he can if we have snow on another date. He will let Ed know so he can get it on the website and Ed can send out a email to all members.

Committee reports

Trails:  President Fox gave a report on the connector trail in Costello. Seems the land owner had a change of heart and is not letting us open it again. Dahl reported that the trail up by the old El Rancho needs trimmed  out.

Dice Run; Run is Jan 24, 2015. Ed has all paper work ready to go. Helpers are lined up just need the snow on the ground.

New Year’s Party:   It is here wish we could have had a better turn out.

Bush Dam Ride And Picnic: Feb 14, 2015 is the date. John Fox gave a report on doing the picnic again at the Bush Dam Vista. Feels that things are good the way we are doing things now. It was decided if we do not have snow for the ride, to go ahead and cancel both the ride and picnic. Motion Passed.

No Board Of Director’s Report.

New Business: No new business was presented.

Good and Welfare Ed ask that everyone keep Chris and Janet Pankake in their prayers Chris is not doing to well.

Motion to adjourn by Ed and Gene at 5:30 pm Meeting adjorned

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

December 20, 2014

Meeting was called to order at 9:20 AM by president John Fox. Six Members were present.

Secretary’s Report: Ed read the secretary’s report with no additions or corrections. Minutes were approved as read.

Treasurer’s Report: Ed gave the treasurer’s report. Beginning balance of $7356.10 and a ending balance of $6559.90. Motion by Gene Inason and 2nd by John G. to accept report. Motion carried.

Correspondences: The next meeting for club officer’s and DCNR is Feb 3, 2015.

Old business:  Ed brought up about buying Travis DR mower since it was not noted in the minutes form Oct. A discussion was held on the mower and it was felt we would not use the mower enough. Dahl made a motion not to buy the mower and 2nd by Gene. Motion passed. Ed will call Travis to pick up the mower. Discussion on purchasing a trailer. Tank would sell us his for $1500.00. Trailer is what we want plus has a winch on it. Ed made a motion, 2nd by Dahl to purchase the trailer. Motion passed. John Greeley is going to check on a back blade that might be given to us to use.

Committee reports

Trails:  John got green snowmobile signs to be put up on Wildboy Rd. The twp feels it is the snowmobiles club responsibility to put the signs up and gave us permission to go ahead and put them up. John found a spot down by Five Daughter’s camp that has washed out and needs some work done to it asap. John Greeley to look at and fix this area.

Dice Run;: Dice run Is Jan 24, 2015 with a no snow date Jan 31. Ed has the paper work all ready. Will be calling around for help.

New Year’s Party: Jan 17, 2015 Pulled Pork A gratin potatoes. John ordering food and Ed will pick up the soda. Hope to see everyone there.

Bush Dam Ride And Picnic: Feb 14, 2015 If there is no snow event will be cancelled.

No Board Of Director’s Report.

New Business:  John reported that the land owner gave us permission to open the old connector trail in Costello once again. Must ride with caution and slow in this area. No snow no go signs will be posted there. John Greeley brought up about doing a ride for the kids in memory of John Venelti and Jack Cooney. Ed also brought up about doing it in the memory of Cindy Also. John Greeley to spear head the event. Tentative date will be Feb 21, 2015.

Nothing For the Good and Welfare of the club.

Motion to adjourn by Ed and Gene at 10:50 am. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted

Ed Lawver - Secretary SPSC


Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

November 2014

Meeting was called to ordered at 6:10 pm after the dinner by President John Fox with 15 member and 3 quest present.

Secretary’s ReportEd read the report with no additions or corrections. Motion by John Greeley and Gene Inason to accept, motion carried.

Treasurer’s ReportEd read a short version of the report. Beginning balance of $7833.56 and a ending balance of $7356.10. No Calendar report was given.

Correspondences:None where read

Old BusinessInsurance has been Paid. PSSA dues have been paid. Nothing to report on opening Lyman Rum Rd. John wants to get with Dave to go over letter for Chip Harrison.

Committee reports

 Trails:  Few odds and ends to finish up yet. Anyone that can help let him know. John Fox reported we should look in maybe buying a trailer and a back blade for a tractor instead of using other peoples.

Dice Run; Ed gave a report on the run It will be January 24, 2015. No snow date of the 31st of Jan. The Lakeview Inn has been dropped from the run since it change hand and have no liquor lic. Ed will call for help to man the stations, right after X-mas.

Membership: Ed gave a report on membership and is pleased with the response back to his address along with the P. O.  He will give a final total in February 2015.

New Year’s Party:John is taking care of ordering the food. It is January 17, 2015 after the meeting at 6pm.

New Business:Linda Bell suggested we do a Ham and Bean dinner for the hunter’s dinner. It was agreed it is too late to do a Hunter’s Dinner. John reported we should look into maybe buying a trailer and a Back blade for a tractor.

Good and Welfare;  None was presented

Motion for adjournment by Yvonne Fox and Ed Lawver at 6:45pm. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted

Ed Lawver SPSC - Secretary

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

October 2014

Meeting was called to order By President John Fox at 7:30 pm. Nine members where present.

Secretary’ Report:Report was submitted by Secretary Ed Lawver and read by John Fox. Report was approved as read.

Treasurer’s Report:  Beginning Balance $9146.97 and a Ending Balance of $7833.67. Janet has reported there is $11,508.14 in the Calendar Fund. Ed has also stated to John, the insurance is to be paid yet


Old Business;Insurance to be paid. Motion by Gene Ianson and 2nd by Travis Runkle to pay. Discussion on   The Pssa show. Discussion on Lyman Run Rd from Thompson Rd to the park. John went to the meeting and presented the club views & will settle later. Discussion on Appreciation Dinner is November 15, 2014 at 4:30 pm at the Costello Inn.  Meeting after dinner.

Committee Reports:

Trails:  4ft extension pipes are installed, Bridge behind the Sportsman club has been widened, a 2nd bridge and a pipe has been installed behind the sportsman club also. Trail has been widen in the area of the Five Daughter’s camp. All on the East Fork Railroad Grade trail. Discussion on the Dr Trimmer, needs to be used. Roulette Club ? signing at Keathing Summitt.

Bush Dam Ride and Picnic:Discussed.

New Years Party:Discussed

New Business:New trail from Ed Sholes to Costello was discussed. Ok to Pass thru the Glovers old farm. Travis Runkle to take care of all phases and complete. Motion to purchase tickets for the snowmobile and trailer raffle for the Pssa and to renew our PSSA dues by Jim Elwell and 2nd by Gene Ianson.

Good and Welfare:None

Motion for adjournment by Yvonne Fox and 2nd by Gene Ianson. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 pm.


Respectfully Submitted

Ed Lawver – SPSC Secretary

Jim Elwell took notes at Meeting.

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

September 20,  2014


Meeting was called to order by President John Fox at 9 am. Four members were present.

Secretary’s Report:The report was read by Ed. Motion by Glen and Gene to accept. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  Ed gave the Treasurer’s Report. Beginning Balance $5644.00 and a ending balance of $9146.97. Motion by Gene and 2nd  by Ed to accept. Motion carried

Correspondences:Ed read a letter from Friends of Lyman Run on a meeting on September 22, 2014. President Fox will attend. The first DCNR meeting or the year will be October 7, 2014 with our club officers. Ed read a thank you card from Potter County Habit for Humanity for our donation.

Old Business:Ed reported that the new hubs, wheels, and tires are here and in the shed at John Ward’s. They are foam filled and ready to go. The PSSA show is Oct 24-26, 2014. Ed stated that he is not pleased with the new Kelly Events Management. He fills they are not any better the they people that were doing the show in Lebanon. He stressed this whole heartily to Glenn Pssa Vice President. Glen told Ed he should call and voice his opinion to Roger Auger.

Committee Reports:  

Raffles – Calendars are printed and are out, sell them. Ed asked if we are raffling anything off at the show. John stated that Jeff Krone was going to make another lift. Ed will follow up on this and let John know status on this. Ed will make tickets and poster for this raffle if he is going to make it.

Trails – Drag is cleaned and painted. Bridges are done behind the East Fork Club. Five Daughters is widened. Pipe is in to guide drag around corner at the bridge on Jim W. property. Pipe should be painted orange. Pipes and drainage ditches on Schoolhouse Trail are cleaned out. Ed stated today and next weekend he will extend the pipes on East Fork trail and clean out

Membership – Ed has everything printed stuffed and ready to mail October 1.

Dice Run – Ed gave a short report. We will not have Lakeview this year due to it being sold. He has paper work from last year to use. Ed is going to state calling help in December. Dice Run is Jan 24, 2015. No Snow date Jan 31, 2015.

News Year Party – John will check on the Food at Big Mike’s. Ed will take care of the bill when he is here for the party.

No Report From the Board of Directors

New Business:The liability insurance is due. Ed stated same prices as last year. Ed and Gene made a motion to renew it. Motion carried. John brought up about buying a pole saw with attachments. This would be a Sthil saw. Price approx $1000.00. Ed and Gene made a motion to ahead and purchase it. Motion carried.

Good And Welfare:  Appreciation Dinner will be November 15, 2015 at the Costello Inn.

Motion for adjournment at 10 am. Meeting adjorned.

Respectfully Submitted

Edward Lawver Sec/ SPSC



View 2015-2016 Meeting Minutes Here

View 2014-2015 Meeting Minutes Here

View 2013-2014 Meeting Minutes Here

View 2012-2013 Meeting Minutes Here


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