Tuesday, December 03, 2024

2019-2020 Meeting Minutes

September October November
December January February
March April May

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

May 16, 2020

The May meeting of the SPSC was called to order at 0925 am by President J. Fox. In attendance was : John Greeley, Clair Daugherty, Janet Pankake,Dave and Sharon Guise and Matt Bollinger.

Secretaries Report: M. Bollinger read the minutes of the March meeting that were accepted by motion of Greeley and G. Bollinger, all in favor motion passed.

Treasures Report: M. Bollinger read the financial report. The report was approved by motion of Greeley and Daugherty, all in favor motion passed.

Correspondences: Friends of Lyman Run annual supporting renewal. By Motion of Greeley and Pankake to send the $50.00 donation.

Old Business: Discussion of proposed club trip. Greeley and Guise will bring back info on Yellowstone and Maine for the September meeting.

Committee Reports:

  • Trails: J. Fox stated 2 pipes to be installed on railroad bed, 1 on schoolhouse. Chains are missing on the bridge in Wharton. Fox will check with the gas company about replacement. No new info on the pipe at camp survivor where the trail is not straight.

  • Membership: No report.

  • Appreciation Dinner/picnic: Has been cancelled due to the Corona. It will now be combined with the picnic and will be held on September 19th at 1 pm. Notifications for a head count will go out on facebook.

Board of Directors:

New Business: There was no new business.

Good and Welfare: The next meeting is rescheduled for September 19 at 12 noon.

Adjournment at 1030 by motion of Daugherty and Bollinger.


Matthew Bollinger ,Secretary

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

April 18, 2020

The April meeting of the SPSC was cancelled due to the Covid 19 National Pandemic.


Matthew Bollinger, Secretary

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

March 21, 2020

The March meeting of the SPSC was called to order at 0923 am by President J. Fox. In attendance was : John Greeley, Monique Bates, Clair Daugherty, Bill Swords, George Bollinger.

Secretaries Report: M. Bollinger read the minutes of the February meeting that were prepared by B. Swords. . The minutes were accepted by motion of G. Bollinger and J. Greeley all in favor motion passed.

Treasures Report: M. Bollinger read the financial report. The report was approved by motion of B. Swords and G. Bollinger all in favor motion passed.

Correspondences: The PSSA spring meet will be April 18 . J. Fox will be attending. The state forest meeting for our district is cancelled for April.

Old Business: It was decided to have the appreciation dinner this year at Kaytees and will be May 16 by motion of Bates and Daugherty , all were in favor. Fox will make the arrangements and contact those who qualify. Members if interested were to bring back ideas for a club trip in the 2021 season.

Committee Reports:

  • Trails: J. Fox and J. Greeley were to check about getting signs made for the trails.

  • Membership: Matt said memberships are still coming in

  • The winter ride is cancelled.

Board of Directors: J. Greeley made a motion to forego this years election of club officers and keep everyone in their current position. 2nd by G. Bollinger and was passed by unanimously.

New Business: There was no new business.

Good and Welfare: The next meeting is rescheduled for April 18 at 9 am., but may be cancelled.

Adjournment at 1050 by motion of J. Greeley and Fox.


Matthew Bollinger, Secretary

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

February 15, 2020

The February meeting of the SPSC was called to order at 9:15 AM by President J. Fox. In attendance were: Bill Swords, Dave Pavelosky, Janet Pankake, John Fox, and Claire Daugherty.

Secretaries Report: There were no previous meeting minutes to read at this time.

Treasures Report: There was no financial report to read at this time. Janet reported on the calendar account balance.

Correspondences: V&V Insurance sent the policies for the equipment. Bill offered to make enough copies to go in all equipment.

Old Business: Discussed Appreciation Dinner and it was suggested that we have it on May 16th @ 6:00 PM following a brief meeting at 5:00 PM. Options for dinner included Steak or Chicken as was offered last year. John will check with KayTee’s on availability and further discussion to follow.

Committee Reports:

  • Raffles: Nothing to report at this time.

  • Trails: Dave provided an update on the trails and stated all trails are in good condition at this time.

  • Membership: Nothing to report at this time other than they are still coming in.

Board of Directors: Nothing to report/present at this time.

New Business: Nomination of Officers – All nominations were presented as they are currently held. Voting to confirm Officers will be at March meeting.

Calendar of Events for website and public? No calendar of events yet.

Summer Picnic – To be discussed at next meeting.

Good and Welfare: Suggested a Kid’s Ride for March 21 pending snow.

Adjournment at 9:48 AM by unanimous motion.


Bill Swords, Assistant Secretary

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

January 18, 2020

The January meeting of the SPSC was called to order at 1626 pm by President J. Fox. In attendance was : John Greeley, Janet Pankake, John Fox, Matt Bollinger, Jeff Lee, George and Carla Bollinger, Clair Daugherty, Jeff and Ilene Crone, Dave and Sharon Guise, and Monique Bates.

Secretaries Report: M. Bollinger read the minutes of the November meeting . The minutes were accepted by motion of D. Guise and J. Greeley all in favor motion passed.

Treasures Report: M. Bollinger read the financial report. The report was approved by motion of D. Guise and J. Pankake all in favor motion passed.

Correspondences: Matt informed the membership of the upcoming DCNR meeting.
Old Business: J. Fox reported that we have not yet set up a time to talk to other neighboring forest districts Signs need reposted at bridges.

Committee Reports:

    • Raffles: Will be called at the Party following meeting

    • Trails: J. Fox said Gene would be helping to groom trails if needed and wanted to get more members involved in grooming activities.

    • Membership: Matt said membership status is at 141 with 6 businesses.

Board of Directors: J. Fox said D. Eppinger has moved away for the time being and was not able to fulfill his BOD position. It was decided on a Pankake J. Greeley motion to install C. Daugherty to fill his remaining term , all in favor motion passed.

New Business: It was brought up that we need to start thinking if the club would like to do a trip for the year 2021. Members will report back with options and opinions.

Good and Welfare: The next meeting is rescheduled for February 15 at 9 am.

Adjournment at 1040 by motion of J. Greeley and D. Pavelosky.

Matthew Bollinger, Secretary

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

December 2019

There was no meeting held in December 2019

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

November 16, 2019

The November meeting of the SPSC was called to order at 910 AM by President J. Fox. In attendance was : Bill Swords, Dave Pavelosky, John Greeley, Janet Pankake, John Fox, Matt Bollinger, and Jeff Lee.

Secretaries Report: M. Bollinger read the minutes of the September meeting . The minutes were accepted by motion of J. Greeley and J. Pankake all in favor motion passed.

Treasures Report: M. Bollinger read the financial report. The report was approved by motion of J. Greeley and D.Pavelosky, all in favor motion passed.

Correspondences: M. Bollinger informed the membership that he had heard back from the Pigeon Hill Snowmobile Club and would be sending memberships to those who were members of that club before it dissolved.

Old Business: J. Fox reported that the Powersports show was attended better then previous years. We sold 30 books and 27 memberships.

Committee Reports:

  • Raffles: Matt stated that some late arriving memberships have had money for the raffle in them which was already called, so he started the 2020 drive raffle awhile.

  • Trails: Dave provided an update on the trail work and stated all trails needed checked.

  • Membership: Matt said as usual the memberships will start to go out beginning of December.

Board of Directors: J. Fox wanted to remind the BOD to be involved and try to attend meetings.

New Business: J. Greeley suggested about trying to go to surrounding forest districs meetings to see what they all do differently and to possibly have more

Good and Welfare: The next meeting is rescheduled for December 28 at 9 am.

Adjournment at 1040 by motion of J. Greeley and D. Pavelosky.


Matthew Bollinger, Secretary

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

October 19, 2019

The October meeting was canceled due to a scheduling conflict.

NDHP was holding their annual Oyster Feed at the East Fork Sportsmen Club on this day. 

Southern Potter Snowmobile Club

September 21, 2019

The September meeting of the SPSC was called to order at 920 AM by President J. Fox. In attendance was : Bill Swords, George Bollinger, Clair Daugherty, Dave Pavelosky, John Greeley, Nate Cheek, Angie Cheek, Janet Pankake, John Fox, Matt Bollinger, Ean Troxell, Ted Snyder, Adam Zeigler, and Theo Zeigler.

Secretaries Report: M. Bollinger read the minutes of the May meeting . The minutes were accepted by motion of J. Greeley and D. Pavelosky all in favor motion passed.

Treasures Report: M. Bollinger read the financial report. The report was approved by motion of J. Pankake and C. Daugherty, all in favor motion passed.

Correspondences: J. Fox informed the club members of the passing of Mary Ellen Wallace. She and her husband were both involved in the PSSA. Her death was unexpected. A letter was sent per the clubs request to the PHSC thanking them for the donation and requested a list of members at the time of the clubs dissolution. J. Greeley and D. Pavelosky made a motion to approve 80 dollars to purchase the PSSA raffle tickets as we do every year. All in favor , motion passed.

Old Business: No more jackets left , Janet has a couple hats. The September issue of the Keystone Snowmobiler was available for reading.

Committee Reports:

  • Raffles: Matt stated that some late arriving memberships have had money for the raffle in them which was already called, so he started the 2020 drive raffle awhile.

  • Trails: Dave provided an update on the trail work from the summer months, numerous pipes were installed. Work to be completed before the season starts is back blading of school house and some trial clearing.

  • Membership: Matt said as usual the memberships will start to go out after the PSSA show as usual.

  • Summer Picnic/appreciation banquet: Is today after a short work detail following the meeting.

Board of Directors: Oct. DCNR meeting notice was given and Matt informed directors that the DCNR groomer was no longer going to be tracked by the state on their inventory lists.

New Business: J. Fox will take care of reserving rooms for the PSSA show for the help that is attending at the club booth. The club will have the usual items for sale like hats, memberships , calendars, and a 50/50.

Good and Welfare: The October meeting is cancelled due to another event at the club that day. B. Swords advised of the need to try to direct more traffic to the web site via business memberships and facebook. Since Matt cannot handle all this Nate and Angie Cheek will be handling the website updates through the season and Mo Bates will be added to the facebook page as a contributor to post pictures of conditions and events.

Adjournment at 1032


Matthew Bollinger, Secretary

View 2018-2019 Meeting Minutes Here

View 2017-2018 Meeting Minutes Here

View 2016-2017 Meeting Minutes Here

View 2015-2016 Meeting Minutes Here

View 2014-2015 Meeting Minutes Here

View 2013-2014 Meeting Minutes Here

View 2012-2013 Meeting Minutes Here

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